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Wild, Entertaining, Mind-Rocking Science Videos
If you love science, but it sometimes feels like it's way over your's some videos that fit 'big science' into our small...

Astounding? Unbelievable? Yes, And More! The 34-Year Evolution of Strandbeests!
Words fail for Theo Jansen's marvelous beests! For a boost of your spirits, imagination, and general morale, take a look at these...

YES! Beyond Despair: Ways Out Of Humanity's Crises
Without denying the scientific realities of the climate and other crises humanity faces, it’s even more important for people to realize...

You Can See 20 Quadrillion Miles, At Least
Fascinating and downright astonishing things you may not know about the universe, including some real oddities and misconceptions! 17...

World Languages: How We Speak, How We Sound, And What This Says About Our Future
Just as humanity has a common point of origin in Africa, so also does language. The branches of the human tree grow out of a common root,...

Mind-Bending Maps Show The World As You've Never, Ever Seen It
What would a map look like if what mattered weren't borders, but what was actually happening with people and their activities on the...

The Ethereal Sound of Outer Space
How would you feel if suddenly, as you quietly admired a dark and starry sky, you heard the stars, galaxies, and black holes making all...

The Oldest Art In The World
Paintings and carvings from Africa, Asia, Australia, South America, and Europe showcase some of the earliest prehistoric art yet...

Amazing, Crazy, Entertaining Science!
These science YouTube channels are a lot more fun than much of what passes for entertainment these days. If you think science isn't fun...

These Centuries-Old Bridges Weren't Built - They're Grown
One of the wonders of North-East India are the bridges created out of the living roots of rubber trees. The Root Bridges of Cherrapunji -...

A World Full of Cats! The Epic and Beautiful Story of Big and Little Felines.
From the tiny Rusty-Spotted Cat of Sri Lanka to the massive Siberian Tiger, and all the domestic cats in between, cats are impressive....

Stunning Bald Eagle Webcam Views
Since 2015, FOBBV (Friends of Big Bear Valley) has shared a unique window into the lives of a bald eagle couple: Jackie & Shadow. View...

Incredible, Delightfully Weird, Chain Reactions!
Just for the fun of it, here's some melt-your-eyeballs chain reaction machines! Amazing creativity! The Cake Server - Watch this insane...

Foods That Are Central To Culture: Corn In Mexico And Guatemala
For Mexicans, Guatemalans, and other “children of corn," maize is entwined in life, history and tradition. It is not just an important...

Perceiving Beyond Our Perceptions
There is so much more to "reality" than we normally perceive. Our "common sense" view of the world, based on how our mind organizes our...

The Last Time The Climate Changed
Today's post is a story about the last time the Earth warmed as it is warming now. Looking back to such a time provides a uniquely...

Every Person Is Our Cousin: We Are All Related
That all humanity is related is a well-established scientific fact. The DNA of all human beings living today is 99.9% alike, with our...

Outstanding Science Photographs of 2023
Spectacular images of the immensely large, vanishingly small, and everything in between. From cosmic dust to geckos, here are some truly...

The Aspen Tree: Charismatic, Iconic, and World-Embracing
Aspen trees circle the globe, from the Arctic Circle in Scandinavia to North Africa, and from Britain across most of Europe and north...

Mesmerizing Images From The Astronomy Photographer of the Year Contest
Photographers from across the globe -- amateur and professional, with sophisticated cameras and ordinary ones -- used their skills to...
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