Since 2015, FOBBV (Friends of Big Bear Valley) has shared a unique window into the lives of a bald eagle couple: Jackie & Shadow. View eagle family activities 24/7: hatching and raising chicks, parenting, negotiating who gets to sit on the eggs, bringing home the meals, etc. It's all there, along with gorgeous views of the Big Bear Valley in California.
Friends of Big Bear Valley - The official website of the environmental education nonprofit organization that sponsors the eagle webcam. Learn about their work and the remarkable history of the eagles in the Big Bear Valley.
Eagle Cam 1 - Views of the live nest. NOTE: Keep time zones in mind as you check the cameras. It may be "sleepy-time" for the eagles when you check in. If so, just look in again later.
Eagle Cam 2 - Wide angle view of area around the nest.
Most Recent Highlights - This link is to the video recording of one of 2024's early highlights: Jackie completing the laying of three eggs! Along with this video, you'll find other highlight videos from 2024 along the right-hand side of the webpage.
Eagle Cam Playlists - Eagle Cam recordings are organized by year, so you can follow Jackie and Shadow's considerable adventures with chicks, storms, and each other over several years.