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Mexico, Cuba, and the Bahamas: The Lesser-Known Underground Railroad
In the years before the U.S. Civil War, in addition to the well-known Underground Railroad routes to Canada, many escaped slaves also...

Wild, Entertaining, Mind-Rocking Science Videos
If you love science, but it sometimes feels like it's way over your's some videos that fit 'big science' into our small...

Powerful Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Speeches That Aren't 'I Have A Dream'
To honor the life and legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., here are some of his other lesser-known, but incredibly powerful speeches....

24 New UNESCO World Heritage Sites Were Added In 2024
In 2024, UNESCO announced 24 new World Heritage sites, ranging from historic buildings and archeological areas to natural and cultural...

YES! Beyond Despair: Ways Out Of Humanity's Crises
Without denying the scientific realities of the climate and other crises humanity faces, it’s even more important for people to realize...

You Can See 20 Quadrillion Miles, At Least
Fascinating and downright astonishing things you may not know about the universe, including some real oddities and misconceptions! 17...

World Languages: How We Speak, How We Sound, And What This Says About Our Future
Just as humanity has a common point of origin in Africa, so also does language. The branches of the human tree grow out of a common root,...

A 1,446-Year-Old Japanese Company: How Did They Do That?
The world's longest continuously-operating company--Kongō Gumi construction company--was founded in 578 CE. It's amazing resilience...

The Atlas of Humanity: Images and Stories from Cultures Worldwide
Every people is a treasure for humanity. Explore this amazing on-going project of some hundred photographers from all over the world, who...

The Ethereal Sound of Outer Space
How would you feel if suddenly, as you quietly admired a dark and starry sky, you heard the stars, galaxies, and black holes making all...

Bettie Mae Fikes: The "Voice Of Selma" And Singing For Freedom Ever Since
Known as "the Voice of Selma," Bettie Mae Fikes became a Civil Rights Movement activist at age 15 and never looked back. Her powerful...

The Oldest Art In The World
Paintings and carvings from Africa, Asia, Australia, South America, and Europe showcase some of the earliest prehistoric art yet...

Mind-Engaging, Heart-Provoking Short Films About Transformation
These impactful short films explore widely-varied stories of transformation--personal, social, spiritual, global. The Great Wolf and...

Amazing, Crazy, Entertaining Science!
These science YouTube channels are a lot more fun than much of what passes for entertainment these days. If you think science isn't fun...

These Centuries-Old Bridges Weren't Built - They're Grown
One of the wonders of North-East India are the bridges created out of the living roots of rubber trees. The Root Bridges of Cherrapunji -...

A World Full of Cats! The Epic and Beautiful Story of Big and Little Felines.
From the tiny Rusty-Spotted Cat of Sri Lanka to the massive Siberian Tiger, and all the domestic cats in between, cats are impressive....

"I Will Find A Way To Do This! So Be It!" - Octavia E. Butler, W.E.B. DuBois, And Power To Be & Do
Persevere. Strive. Learn. Feel. Perceive. Share. Find your power and use it. Octavia E. Butler's Self-Talk - This link is to the...

Spectacular Photos Of 2023
Today we showcase the winning photographs from major world photography contests. From all continents, and from professionals to...

Foods That Are Central To Culture: Corn In Mexico And Guatemala
For Mexicans, Guatemalans, and other “children of corn," maize is entwined in life, history and tradition. It is not just an important...

Great Multicultural Cities Before The Global Age
In our global age, many cities around the world are richly diverse in culture, language, religion, and traditions. But, although our...
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