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The Asia Few Have Seen, And May Never See Again

In the 1970s, Kevin Kelly backpacked across much of Asia, taking thousands of photographs, revealing stunning encounters with ordinary life and everyday people.

Asia Grace - Kevin Kelly's official portfolio of photographs from his backpacking trip across Asia in the 1970s. Click on any of the thumbnails on the Asia Grace site to expand the photos to full viewable size. The photos in today's post all come from his site. Explore and enjoy!
The Life of a Backpacker in Asia in the 1970s - Kevin Kelly's personal account of his epic backpacking trip. Let's just say that the woefully unprepared ignorance with which he embarked gave way to a spirit of resilience, openness, learning, and respect for the people and cultures he encountered.
Vanishing Asia - Beyond his backpacking trip in the 1970s, Kevin Kelly has continued to travel in Asia, capturing scenes of traditional daily life in Asia that are disappearing. He posts some of these photos on social media: Instagram, Tumblr, Twitter, Pinterest, Facebook.

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