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Breathtaking Sacred Sites Around the World

Across the world, throughout the ages, certain places have held a powerful spiritual attraction. Such sacred sites are the most revered locations of human civilization. Here are some of the lesser-known of these spiritual oases.

10 of the Most Unbelievable Spiritual Sites Around the World - From remote mystical temples to architectural wonders, these places have a powerful spiritual presence.
5 Ancient Sacred Sites Around the World - From Mongolia's mysterious deer stones to cities to honor the dead, ancient sites built by people trying to make sense of life, death, and the universe are scattered across the planet.
World Pilgrimage Guide - National Geographic photographer Martin Gray spent forty years visiting 2000 sacred sites in more than one hundred sixty countries. This website shows the locations of these places, tells a bit about them, and displays hundreds of his beautiful sacred site photographs. Note: Click the link, then on the homepage, use the menus at the top of the page, and on the right-hand side, to navigate through the sites.
Return to Foretop's Father - For members of the Apsáalooke (Crow) tribe in North America, Foretop's Father (Heart Mountain) is a sacred site, once the heart of Crow country. On a visit to the mountain, through the eyes of a Native American elder and historian, a unique perspective on the importance of nature on modern society is revealed.
Bahá’í Gardens in Haifa and ‘Akko - These UNESCO World Heritage sites are spiritual focal points for Bahá’í pilgrims who travel here from every part of the globe to visit and pray.

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