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Visions Of Sacredness: Places And Sounds Around The World

Experiences of the sacred, transcendence, and spiritual oneness play a centering role in all cultures. This universal spiritual yearning bridges time, place, and culture, finding expression in a myriad physical and musical forms across the globe.

Think of each day's Daily Cuppa Go post as being like a daily newspaper you read with your cuppa. Each day, there's a series of related stories on a theme. Just as with a newspaper, you can browse as your time and interests lead you.

The Sacred Land Film Project - Explore sacred places world-wide, particularly indigenous sacred lands, that are being documented to increase public understanding of their significance and assist with protection of these precious places.
Global Sacred Sites - National Geographic photographer and anthropologist Martin Gray has spent thirty-five years studying and photographing 1500 sacred sites in more than one hundred and fifty countries. Explore his photo galleries!
The Fes Festival of World Sacred Music - The festival has been held in Fez, Morocco since 1994. This 4-minute video gives you a taste of the world-circling sacred sounds.
Fès et son Festival - The official site of the Fez Festival, where you can learn more about its origins and find a musical sampling of the most recent festival. You'll also find photos and music from the previous festivals here. For a deeper sampling of this amazing annual festival, try [1] Masters of the Harp - Colombia, Paraguay & Venezuela, [2] Bahariyya - Azerbaijan, [3] Sufi Songs - Morocco, [4] Soweto Gospel Choir - South Africa. And that hardly scratches the surface...
19 Stunning Sacred Places Around the World - From mountaintop monasteries to super-modern temples here's some of the world's most breathtaking sacred places.
Sacred Spaces Sound Map - Click on the link, and when the new page opens, scroll down the page to explore sacred sounds from around the world.
The World's Most-Visited Sacred Sites - Looking at spiritual sites around the world that receive the most visitors.
How Do You Build A Sacred Space? - This 13-minute TED Talk is the story of one architect's journey to create a beautiful sacred space that speaks to contemporary society.


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