Whether you prefer a casual walk, a full day on the trail, or a long distance trek, today we'll check out some of the visually stunning and mind-altering walks that planet Earth has to explore! And, after hiking Mt. Kilimanjaro, we'll also have a warm cuppa of Tanzania's fine coffee!
37 of the World's Best Walks - So many incredible walking routes around the globe. Where to begin?
21 of the Best Hikes in the World - These are hikes that go the distance...long distance! But they're also long on scenic views and adventure.
The World's Most Walkable Cities - Many of the world's urban areas also offer great walking! Each of the links in this section highlight different places and interests, so see also: How and Where to Get Your Urban Hike On and The World's Best Urban Hiking Cities.
10 Lesser-Known Hiking Trails that Avoid the Crowds - Here are 10 trails you’ve probably never heard of that offer great walking adventures.
20 of the Best Day Hikes in the World - From easy to strenuous, there's eye-popping hikes on every continent that you can complete in one day.
Great Places To Stargaze - Walking and hiking don't have to be only about seeing the daytime sights! There are many places where you can walk safely at night and see the stars, planets, and constellations as most people never see them anymore. The International Dark Sky Association has designated Dark Sky Parks, Reserves, Sanctuaries, and Communities where the star-filled night skies are especially visible. And, even if you're not near a Dark Sky Park, even urban areas have some good stargazing options. Your own neighborhood also likely has some darker spots, sheltered from bright light, with a view of the sky. To help you out, check out Sky Maps To Help You Stargaze, where you can get an interactive custom map (sky chart) of the night sky for your location at any date and time! You can also check out Google Sky and get another version of your local sky chart, as well as virtually tour planets, constellations, galaxies, and more!
Traditional Coffee Preparation in Tanzania - Tanzania is famed for growing some of the best coffee in the world, and now that you've summited Mt. Kilimanjaro, you deserve a cup of that famous brew. This 2-minute video shows you how to make traditional Tanzanian coffee.