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Music As A Universal Language: World Sacred Music

Music is one of the bridges which brings people from diverse spiritual and religious traditions into heartfelt communication. Today we sample two global festivals of sacred music.

Opening Gala Concert: World Festival of Sacred Music (Los Angeles, 2008) - This 72-minute video showcases the rich artistic accomplishment and spiritual diversity of sacred heritages in Los Angeles. Also from the 2008 festival, you may enjoy this program of diverse spiritual music and dance performed by youth ensembles: LA’s Emerging Voices: World Festival of Sacred Music (113-minutes). The World Festival of Sacred Music ran from 1999-2011. If you're looking for more, check out the video showcase from the first World Festival of Sacred Music (1999).
The Fes Festival of World Sacred Music - The festival has been held in Fez, Morocco since 1994. This 4-minute video gives you a taste of the world-circling sacred sounds. For a deeper sampling of this amazing annual festival, try [1] Masters of the Harp - Colombia, Paraguay & Venezuela, [2] Bahariyya - Azerbaijan, [3] Sufi Songs - Morocco, [3] Saint Ephraim male choir and Beata Palya - Hungary [4] Soweto Gospel Choir - South Africa. And that hardly scratches the surface...for more, check out the official festival website.


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