Women played an important part in establishing cinema as an artistic medium – not merely by participating in crucial developments, but by leading them.

First Women Filmmakers: Meet 9 of Hollywood’s Pioneering Female Auteurs - The rich history of female filmmakers in the early days of movies.
7 Early Films, Made By Women - A few of the significant early films made by women.
African-American Women in the Silent Film Industry - Five African-American women filmmakers helped to establish the US cinema industry and to better the representation of African-Americans on film.
6 Important Female Film Directors From History - France, to India and Japan, women have played big but forgotten roles in film history.
A History of Silence: The Cinema of Lois Weber - A short video about Lois Weber, who in the 1910s and 1920s, was one of Hollywood’s most powerful figures.
Underexposed: The Role of Women Filmmakers in the Early Days of Cinema - Women were ground-breaking leaders in the early development of cinema.
How Women Worked in the US Silent Film Industry - Hint: They were everywhere!
A Spotlight on Female African American Filmmakers of Early Cinema (1916-1928) - Black women have played a lively role in early filmmaking from the 1910’s into 1930’s
When Women Called the Shots: The Forgotten Story of Early Hollywood's Female Filmmakers - The powerful women who occupied some of early Hollywood’s most powerful creative positions: writers, directors, producers, and studio heads.
The Forgotten Female Action Stars of the 1910s - A slew of films from the early-20th century featured heroines who chased danger and adventure. For an example of one such action heroine, consider the career of Helen Gibson: Fearless Helen.
Women Film Pioneers - Profiles of dozens of ground-breaking women in film from the Women Film Pioneers project.