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Butterflies And The Woman Who Fought Superstitions About Them

In the 1600's, it was thought that butterflies might be witches in disguise, out to curdle cream and butter, hence their name "buttervögel" in German and "butterfly" in English. Maria Merian set things straight.

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Meet the 17th Century Female Entomologist Who Illustrated Butterfly Life Cycles - Maria Merian's lavish illustrations are not only beautiful, but an early ground-breaking contribution to the male-dominated field of science. See also: Maria Merian's Butterflies - An online exhibit from the British Royal Art Collection.
'Discovering' Mexico's Monarch Butterfly Migration - Monarch Butterflies travel thousands of miles each year in one of nature's most epic migrations. This 6-minute video explains what it's all about.
The Sound of Millions of Monarch Butterflies - See and hear millions of butterflies in flight.
Beautiful Butterflies - There are many kinds of butterflies, each one a work of art.
Butterfly: A Life - This 2-minute National Geographic Society video follows the complete life cycle of the butterfly.
Learn How to Draw a Monarch Butterfly in Five Easy Steps - Grab some paper and a pencil and draw!
How to Create Your Own Monarch Butterfly Rest Stop - Learn what simple gardening steps you can take to provide habitat for Monarch Butterflies and help them to survive.


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