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Beautiful And Enchanting Gardens Around The World

Across the world, and throughout time, people have created wonderful gardens as an essential part of the human experience.

25 of the Most Beautiful Gardens in the World - Around the world, there is beauty and delight to behold! Or, increase that by a factor of four and enjoy 100 Gardens to Visit Before You Die.
10 of the Most Beautiful Gardens Around the World - A brief video tour of some amazing gardens.
UNESCO World Heritage Gardens - The UNESCO World Heritage List contains many gardens. Here are seven of those representing an interesting mix of Renaissance, Baroque, Classical, and Botanical types.
Around the World in 80 Gardens - A 10-part video series of one-hour programs in which British gardener and broadcaster Monty Don visits 80 of the world's most celebrated gardens. Click on the link for the first episode. All the other episodes are also available to the right of the video when the new page opens.
10 of the Best Tropical Indoor Gardens in the World - A short video tour of some wonderful indoor gardens around the world.
12 of the World's Most Enchanting Secret Gardens - A look at some of the most interesting hidden gardens around the world.
World Tour of Wild Gardens - Some of the world's most beautiful wild gardens.
The World's Largest Rose Garden - The Fineschi Rose Garden is located in Cavriglia, Italy. Considered the largest rose garden in the world, it’s home to more than 6,500 roses, and the collection grows every year! Love roses? Check out this video hosted by Audrey Hepburn - Gardens of The World: Roses and Rose Gardens.
Seven Gardens That Had A Lasting Impact on Landscape Architecture - These are some gardens that have inspired generations of landscape designers across the globe.
Top 10 Bonsai Trees in the World - Different bonsai trees across the globe are very beautiful and have incredible stories.
A Guide to Ancient Gardening - From al fresco spaces for Roman dining to toiling gardeners immortalized on the walls of Egyptian tomb, gardens have a long history. Of related interest is The History of Pleasure Gardens which explores evidence that gardening for beauty has been going on at least since the Mesopotamians in 4,000 BCE. Pleasure Gardens of the Ancient World looks at this topic with a particular focus on the Mediterranean region.
Visit a Tiny California Garden With Lots to Taste - Small backyards also can have great gardens! Or, you might also enjoy Ideas for Beautiful Small Backyard Gardens.


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