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Around The World In Sacred Sounds

Sacred sounds and music have inspired and sustained humanity throughout time. Explore the different sacred sounds. What sonic similarities do you hear?

Pututu from Chavín de Huántar A pututu is a conch shell used, from ancient times, as a musical instrument in the Andes. This recording captures the sound, such as scientists believe was used in pre-Inca religious ceremonies at Chavín de Huántar, Peru. Here's another recording of this ethereal sound from the Chavín de Huántar Archaeological Acoustics Project.
Sacred Spaces Sound Map - Click on the link, and when the new page opens, scroll down the page to explore sacred sounds from around the world.
Balla Kouyate & World Vision: Traditional Malian Music - A full concert by members of a group traditionally regarded as the original praise-singers of the Malinke people, one of the ethnic groups found across much of West Africa.
Baháʼí Choir - Baháʼí World Congress choir made up of singers from around the world.
Shinto and Buddhist Sacred Music: Japan - Click on the link, and when the new page opens, scroll down the page to listen to several examples of these sacred sounds.
The Temple Music of Ancient China - A rare glimpse into the sacred sounds of Chinese temples 500 years ago.
ResoNation: Sacred Sounds Beyond Borders - Highlights from ResoNation, Sacred World Music Festival (2019).
American Religious Sounds Project - A playlist of sounds documenting the diversity of American religious life as found in its varied sacred sounds and music.
Omaha Indian Music - Traditional songs with sacred significance. Learn more about other music in this Smithsonian Institution collection here.


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