As monuments to white supremacy fall into rubble, explore other monuments inspiring reflective remembrance, and celebrating freedom and solidarity. This is only a small selection. There are many more.
For more than a decade, the San Antonio Center for Peace has published an on-going series of Monday Monument blog posts, highlighting monuments around the world focused on social justice and peace.
The National Memorial for Peace and Justice is the first national memorial dedicated to reflection on America’s history of racial inequality.
The Ark of Return, at the United Nations plaza in New York, invites people everywhere to contemplate the legacy of the slave trade and to fight against racism and prejudice today.
Valongo Wharf Archaeological Site, a UNESCO World Heritage Site, preserves the wharf where 900,000 slaves arrived in Rio de Janerio. It is the most important remaining trace of the arrival of African slaves in the New World.
Monumental AntiRacism, a seminar at Washington University in St. Louis, is spotlighting efforts to create antiracist commemorative monuments.
Peace Form One, honors Ralph Johnson Bunche, the first African-American to win the Nobel Peace Prize.
The Wall of Honor, at Whitney Plantation, serves as a Louisiana Slave Memorial.